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New technologies allow targeted treatment and cure of inborn diseases of the blood, metabolic system, immune defects and cancer by gene and cell therapies. The group of Prof. Reichenbach at the University of Zurich (UZH) has been pioneering gene therapy approaches for patients with severe immunodeficiencies. Based on broad experience with first-in-man studies (Ott et al, 2006, Siler et al, 2015) and own preclinical development of novel unique gene therapy vectors, the group of Prof. Reichenbach has now joined forces with the UZH research group of Prof. Jinek, the co-discoverer of the gene editing tool CRISPR/Cas (Jinek et al., 2013) to form the CRPP ImmuGene. Together the groups aim to develop gene therapy treatments for patients with unmet medical needs. In the first phase, a novel gene addition gene therapy vector will be used to treat patients with an inborn disesase of the immune system at UZH hospitals. In parallel, genome editing will be developed for patients with immunodeficiency and neurological disorders.